hyperledger Fabric 1.4的商业票据的智能合约

/ SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 /

'use strict';

// Fabric smart contract classes const { Contract, Context } = require('fabric-contract-api');

// PaperNet specifc classes const CommercialPaper = require('./paper.js'); const PaperList = require('./paperlist.js');


  • A custom context provides easy access to list of all commercial papers */ class CommercialPaperContext extends Context {

    constructor() {

     // All papers are held in a list of papers
     this.paperList = new PaperList(this);




  • Define commercial paper smart contract by extending Fabric Contract class / class CommercialPaperContract extends Contract {

    constructor() {

     // Unique namespace when multiple contracts per chaincode file



    • Define a custom context for commercial paper */ createContext() { return new CommercialPaperContext(); }


    • Instantiate to perform any setup of the ledger that might be required.
    • @param {Context} ctx the transaction context */ async instantiate(ctx) { // No implementation required with this example // It could be where data migration is performed, if necessary console.log('Instantiate the contract'); }


    • Issue commercial paper *
    • @param {Context} ctx the transaction context
    • @param {String} issuer commercial paper issuer
    • @param {Integer} paperNumber paper number for this issuer
    • @param {String} issueDateTime paper issue date
    • @param {String} maturityDateTime paper maturity date
    • @param {Integer} faceValue face value of paper */ async issue(ctx, issuer, paperNumber, issueDateTime, maturityDateTime, faceValue) {

      // create an instance of the paper let paper = CommercialPaper.createInstance(issuer, paperNumber, issueDateTime, maturityDateTime, faceValue);

      // Smart contract, rather than paper, moves paper into ISSUED state paper.setIssued();

      // Newly issued paper is owned by the issuer paper.setOwner(issuer);

      // Add the paper to the list of all similar commercial papers in the ledger world state await ctx.paperList.addPaper(paper);

      // Must return a serialized paper to caller of smart contract return paper.toBuffer(); }


    • Buy commercial paper *
    • @param {Context} ctx the transaction context
    • @param {String} issuer commercial paper issuer
    • @param {Integer} paperNumber paper number for this issuer
    • @param {String} currentOwner current owner of paper
    • @param {String} newOwner new owner of paper
    • @param {Integer} price price paid for this paper
    • @param {String} purchaseDateTime time paper was purchased (i.e. traded) */ async buy(ctx, issuer, paperNumber, currentOwner, newOwner, price, purchaseDateTime) {

      // Retrieve the current paper using key fields provided let paperKey = CommercialPaper.makeKey([issuer, paperNumber]); let paper = await ctx.paperList.getPaper(paperKey);

      // Validate current owner if (paper.getOwner() !== currentOwner) {

       throw new Error('Paper ' + issuer + paperNumber + ' is not owned by ' + currentOwner);


      // First buy moves state from ISSUED to TRADING if (paper.isIssued()) {



      // Check paper is not already REDEEMED if (paper.isTrading()) {


      } else {

       throw new Error('Paper ' + issuer + paperNumber + ' is not trading. Current state = ' +paper.getCurrentState());


      // Update the paper await ctx.paperList.updatePaper(paper); return paper.toBuffer(); }


    • Redeem commercial paper *
    • @param {Context} ctx the transaction context
    • @param {String} issuer commercial paper issuer
    • @param {Integer} paperNumber paper number for this issuer
    • @param {String} redeemingOwner redeeming owner of paper
    • @param {String} redeemDateTime time paper was redeemed */ async redeem(ctx, issuer, paperNumber, redeemingOwner, redeemDateTime) {

      let paperKey = CommercialPaper.makeKey([issuer, paperNumber]);

      let paper = await ctx.paperList.getPaper(paperKey);

      // Check paper is not REDEEMED if (paper.isRedeemed()) {

       throw new Error('Paper ' + issuer + paperNumber + ' already redeemed');


      // Verify that the redeemer owns the commercial paper before redeeming it if (paper.getOwner() === redeemingOwner) {


      } else {

       throw new Error('Redeeming owner does not own paper' + issuer + paperNumber);


      await ctx.paperList.updatePaper(paper); return paper.toBuffer(); }


module.exports = CommercialPaperContract;

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